Thursday, June 27, 2013

Super Smart that is me! Otherwise known as Opps.

So, I have been writing on this blog since February. I have written on average two posts a week. I have written on such topics as bento boxes, my son, and the magical love between a mom and her yoga pants. Sad cliche I know, but my love of my yoga pants deserves sonnets.

Today I was deciding to write a post about a book I've been reading. I guess you could say it's a little bit of a serial book. Think Stephen King's "The Green Mile". Anyway, as I was reading the authors blog and trying to subscribe to it I realize that my blog had no posts. What? No posts. Nada. I checked my iPad, my blogger application and realized, that ALL of my posts were "DRAFTS". After much cussing, and possible a kick or two to my kids toys (Sorry muffin man scooter) I decided to scrap the posts with the exception of the first one. I'm still in the groove to blog so I might as well just go from here.

So, please stick around, read my mental leavings and enjoy. At least I hope you enjoy.

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