I've been working on a novel for a few months. (Slow and steady wins the race!!) In the past I have written screenplays and other short stories. I have always used my real name. But recently I've been debating the whole thing.
I censor myself a lot on Facebook. I don't usually just blast out what I am thinking because I treat my Facebook like I would a bar. No politics (although sometimes I can't help it) and no in your face religious posts (I'm Christian but not everyone is). I think I do some of it because I'm so all over the board with issues and really no one cares. I'm ok with it. I'm pretty real with myself, I realize I am never going to post a Facebook status update and have people say. WHOA. That made a TON OF SENSE. Crissy has won me over for the side of GOOD! Haha, the side of good, is that like a side of bacon. Why yes, I'll have the fried eggs and a side of GOOD! Sorry, having a let's talk about... SQUIRREL kinda day.
Back to pen names. The end is in sight with this book and I feel like since this is the thing I think I am going to try to get published do I want a pen name. If I do, I need to decide it and start to build it I think. I have a friend who has a pen name and it suits her. I like it and I see how much work she is doing to build it up and I'm very impressed.
To be honest there is a part of me that finds the idea to be very cool and romantic in a sense. I would love to have this whole other side of myself, that said I like the glory lol. When I was competing at a national level through school for public speaking I loved it. I mean I won a bronze medal in public speaking and beat out all the other people who were there from a college level. I think that's nifty. Considering on a good day I sound like a 10 year old hello kitty voice over actor.
Anyway, what are your thoughts? yay or nay? What would you name the awesomeness that is Crissy?
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Friday, June 28, 2013
I'm a Writer... I write.
I know you'll find this hard to believe but apparently I'm not a serious writer. I've wanted to be a writer since I was in 2nd grade. I won the James Madison Elementary School award for creative writing. It was a whole paragraph long and it was a riveting tale of a pear that was juicy and grew on a tulip tree. Take that Shakespeare!
I recently applied to a writers group a friend had recommended to me. I felt like a chump for applying. I mean seriously? The questionnaire should have been my big tip off. Not that it was a 40 question monster of a thing but that I was looking at it with my typical amused and cynical eye. I'm not naming names. Nor am I going to bash anyone, but needless to say I was denied. Why? I wasn't a serious enough writer and while my work was well written the subject matter was lacking. (This group likes historical period pieces) ok I'm bashing, they like badly written cliche terms like rutting betwix her thighs. *eyeroll* rutting? That's as sexy as ball and bail and I actually like that term more. But, I'm not a serious writer.
I knew the moment I saw the question: "do you trust yourself as a person to find good words and perceptions?" My immediate thought was, "No I hardly trust myself to post a coherent Facebook status update.. I don't trust myself because my left typing hand wants me to type rutting."
I'm not going to lie, I am a little disappointed, I was looking for a sounding board type thing. But in the end I guess I'll take my brand of crazy and just keep it to myself for now. I'm going to do what all serious writers do, blog about it.. Oh wait, I meant the second thing serious writers do, eat a choco taco and text people about the unfairness of the man. Ok no, just the choco taco part. Really.
Steamy Summer Reading...
There are a few things I never leave home without. My kid, my wallet, cell phone, and iPad. You might be wondering why my iPad... Well that is where I keep my books! You never know when you can get a minute and in that minute you can spend it READING! I also play a ton of games with my kid, but he's not always with me so back to READING! (I know this post is long... if it turns into "too long didn't read" please scroll down to the very bottom. Thanks loser. lol ;) )
You know how different magazines always have a Summer Reading list. It's usually made up of the top 10 NY Best Sellers list or some list of things that you doubt seriously anyone other than the authors family has read and enjoyed. No offense to anyone who has books that only their family has read. I'm sure you're awesome. Like in an abstract AWESOME way. I digress.
I was thinking of the books that I've read this summer. It's just the start of summer, but here in my neck of the woods it has been SUMMER since January. Blah. Last summer I succumbed to the hype and read "Fifty Shades of Gray." I'm sure you've read it. If you haven't don't bother. It's basically bad "Twilight" fan fiction, with a side of passive aggressiveness and abusive stalking. So yeah just like "Twilight." But no sparkly vampires and naked werewolves. This summer I was hoping that Kresley Cole's newest Immortals After Dark would hit so I could grab that and read it. I've read "Inferno" by Dan Brown. (Didn't like it.) Basically this summer has been a total let down book wise, until I read the first installment of Mora Early's "Twisted Arrangement."
Now, I love all kinds of books and this book falls under the category of adult contemporary (Who thought this category up? When I hear it, I think while reading this book, Kenny G and Michael Bolton should serenade me but I digress again. The real category is Crissy's Hot Yummy Fun Book Read. Yeah it's long deal with it.) The book itself is broken up into three parts, which is both nice and has driven me nuts. Specially after I read the second part because I was so into it I wanted to finish it NOW!
That said, now I review. There might be spoilers. You've been warned.
I often wonder what people who read "Carrie" by Stephen King before they knew he was Stephen King. This is the first (I believe) published e-book by the author Mora Early. Like a said a few scrolls up, this is a serial book, being that it is in three parts. The price was right and as a mom to an 18 month old toddler, I was kind of glad it was broken up. I was forced to not pull an all nighter if I really loved it lol. I think this should be a trend. The Mommy Serial book series for her own good for habitual book readers. (I should patent this idea) Anyway, I didn't really know what to expect to be honest.
The first part introduces us to the main players. We have very self contained Emma, the party planner and her ne'er do well younger brother Todd. Now let me say that Todd drives me nuts. I don't like him much. But I think that in the end that I respected Ms. Early for writing him that way. I mean would the book be as good if everyone was perfect? No one had flaws? Nope. I'm hoping that Todd straightens up or Ms. Early writes another book and straightens him out. I'd buy it and read it in a heart beat. There is also a sexy self assured movie produce Joshua. I like him. A. Lot.
Now the whole idea of this story is that Todd lost something that is a big deal to this small family, a family heirloom. I don't really want to spill all the details because I really think you should read it.
The first book starts a little slow. But it picks up quickly and before I knew it I was sucked it and it was 2am and I was pissed there wasn't more book. Please see statement why I think serial books are good for me LOL. Lucky for me "Twisted Arrangement 2" was about to hit Amazon so I could get my fix pretty quick.
Mora Early has a gift for dialog. Each of her characters has a feel to them and when you read them you really like their wit. She doesn't spend a lot of time making you understand what she is saying. She just expects you to know and I love that. I've read ALL of the Laurell K. Hamilton vampire hunter books and I think for me that is a HUGE thing wrong with those books. Her characters while well written spend hours and hours (it feels like it to me) talking to themselves explaining things that are VERY evident. When I read adult contemporary books (otherwise known as Crissy's Hot Yummy Fun Book Read) I think I'm weary about that.
"Twisted Arrangement" to me has great characters, good dialog, it is not bogged down with conflicted issues that need to be talked out to the point that you feel you just had a therapy session for free. The author treats you, the reader like someone who has half a brain and can follow her clear descriptions and get what she's saying. You can tell from this review how freaking refreshing that is. Seriously.
Now for those of you are who looking for hot steamy sex from the first 10 pages, not going to happen. Which I'm glad. The first two parts are completely foreplay and not just meaningless sex for the sake for mommyporn. (cough cough Christian Gray cough cough lame) Anyway, I suspect there will be some motion between the sheets in part three. I hope so anyway because from what I've read it will be hot. (Yes I'm blushing while I write this.)
Now here's the coolest part of my whole post. Mora Early has a give away for a free copies of "Twisted Arrangement 2." Wait you say, but I haven't read part one. WELLL that part is now FREE! That's right skippy it's free! Here is a link for you lazy internet peeps.
Hopefully that will be a hyperlink and you can just cruise on over. Please give it a review if you get it. Also check her out on Goodreads, I was pleasantly pleased that Ms. Early actually gives feedback to people who talk to her. I hope she always does that. It's pretty cool.
Now before you decide to buy part two why not check out her blog and try to get it for free? Free is pretty great. Here is her blog: http://moraearly.blogspot.com/
I hope you enjoyed my sorta kinda review. I give part one 4.5 stars out of 5 and part two 5 out of 5. I really liked them and I am waiting impatiently for part 3. I'll probably talk about it here on my blog so keep tuned for that.
Hope ya'll have a great Summer, keep checking on me and if we're friends on facebook remind me TO PUBLISH my posts. haha.
You know how different magazines always have a Summer Reading list. It's usually made up of the top 10 NY Best Sellers list or some list of things that you doubt seriously anyone other than the authors family has read and enjoyed. No offense to anyone who has books that only their family has read. I'm sure you're awesome. Like in an abstract AWESOME way. I digress.
I was thinking of the books that I've read this summer. It's just the start of summer, but here in my neck of the woods it has been SUMMER since January. Blah. Last summer I succumbed to the hype and read "Fifty Shades of Gray." I'm sure you've read it. If you haven't don't bother. It's basically bad "Twilight" fan fiction, with a side of passive aggressiveness and abusive stalking. So yeah just like "Twilight." But no sparkly vampires and naked werewolves. This summer I was hoping that Kresley Cole's newest Immortals After Dark would hit so I could grab that and read it. I've read "Inferno" by Dan Brown. (Didn't like it.) Basically this summer has been a total let down book wise, until I read the first installment of Mora Early's "Twisted Arrangement."
Now, I love all kinds of books and this book falls under the category of adult contemporary (Who thought this category up? When I hear it, I think while reading this book, Kenny G and Michael Bolton should serenade me but I digress again. The real category is Crissy's Hot Yummy Fun Book Read. Yeah it's long deal with it.) The book itself is broken up into three parts, which is both nice and has driven me nuts. Specially after I read the second part because I was so into it I wanted to finish it NOW!
That said, now I review. There might be spoilers. You've been warned.
I often wonder what people who read "Carrie" by Stephen King before they knew he was Stephen King. This is the first (I believe) published e-book by the author Mora Early. Like a said a few scrolls up, this is a serial book, being that it is in three parts. The price was right and as a mom to an 18 month old toddler, I was kind of glad it was broken up. I was forced to not pull an all nighter if I really loved it lol. I think this should be a trend. The Mommy Serial book series for her own good for habitual book readers. (I should patent this idea) Anyway, I didn't really know what to expect to be honest.
The first part introduces us to the main players. We have very self contained Emma, the party planner and her ne'er do well younger brother Todd. Now let me say that Todd drives me nuts. I don't like him much. But I think that in the end that I respected Ms. Early for writing him that way. I mean would the book be as good if everyone was perfect? No one had flaws? Nope. I'm hoping that Todd straightens up or Ms. Early writes another book and straightens him out. I'd buy it and read it in a heart beat. There is also a sexy self assured movie produce Joshua. I like him. A. Lot.
Now the whole idea of this story is that Todd lost something that is a big deal to this small family, a family heirloom. I don't really want to spill all the details because I really think you should read it.
The first book starts a little slow. But it picks up quickly and before I knew it I was sucked it and it was 2am and I was pissed there wasn't more book. Please see statement why I think serial books are good for me LOL. Lucky for me "Twisted Arrangement 2" was about to hit Amazon so I could get my fix pretty quick.
Mora Early has a gift for dialog. Each of her characters has a feel to them and when you read them you really like their wit. She doesn't spend a lot of time making you understand what she is saying. She just expects you to know and I love that. I've read ALL of the Laurell K. Hamilton vampire hunter books and I think for me that is a HUGE thing wrong with those books. Her characters while well written spend hours and hours (it feels like it to me) talking to themselves explaining things that are VERY evident. When I read adult contemporary books (otherwise known as Crissy's Hot Yummy Fun Book Read) I think I'm weary about that.
"Twisted Arrangement" to me has great characters, good dialog, it is not bogged down with conflicted issues that need to be talked out to the point that you feel you just had a therapy session for free. The author treats you, the reader like someone who has half a brain and can follow her clear descriptions and get what she's saying. You can tell from this review how freaking refreshing that is. Seriously.
Now for those of you are who looking for hot steamy sex from the first 10 pages, not going to happen. Which I'm glad. The first two parts are completely foreplay and not just meaningless sex for the sake for mommyporn. (cough cough Christian Gray cough cough lame) Anyway, I suspect there will be some motion between the sheets in part three. I hope so anyway because from what I've read it will be hot. (Yes I'm blushing while I write this.)
Now here's the coolest part of my whole post. Mora Early has a give away for a free copies of "Twisted Arrangement 2." Wait you say, but I haven't read part one. WELLL that part is now FREE! That's right skippy it's free! Here is a link for you lazy internet peeps.
Hopefully that will be a hyperlink and you can just cruise on over. Please give it a review if you get it. Also check her out on Goodreads, I was pleasantly pleased that Ms. Early actually gives feedback to people who talk to her. I hope she always does that. It's pretty cool.
Now before you decide to buy part two why not check out her blog and try to get it for free? Free is pretty great. Here is her blog: http://moraearly.blogspot.com/
I hope you enjoyed my sorta kinda review. I give part one 4.5 stars out of 5 and part two 5 out of 5. I really liked them and I am waiting impatiently for part 3. I'll probably talk about it here on my blog so keep tuned for that.
Hope ya'll have a great Summer, keep checking on me and if we're friends on facebook remind me TO PUBLISH my posts. haha.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Super Smart that is me! Otherwise known as Opps.
So, I have been writing on this blog since February. I have written on average two posts a week. I have written on such topics as bento boxes, my son, and the magical love between a mom and her yoga pants. Sad cliche I know, but my love of my yoga pants deserves sonnets.
Today I was deciding to write a post about a book I've been reading. I guess you could say it's a little bit of a serial book. Think Stephen King's "The Green Mile". Anyway, as I was reading the authors blog and trying to subscribe to it I realize that my blog had no posts. What? No posts. Nada. I checked my iPad, my blogger application and realized, that ALL of my posts were "DRAFTS". After much cussing, and possible a kick or two to my kids toys (Sorry muffin man scooter) I decided to scrap the posts with the exception of the first one. I'm still in the groove to blog so I might as well just go from here.
So, please stick around, read my mental leavings and enjoy. At least I hope you enjoy.
Today I was deciding to write a post about a book I've been reading. I guess you could say it's a little bit of a serial book. Think Stephen King's "The Green Mile". Anyway, as I was reading the authors blog and trying to subscribe to it I realize that my blog had no posts. What? No posts. Nada. I checked my iPad, my blogger application and realized, that ALL of my posts were "DRAFTS". After much cussing, and possible a kick or two to my kids toys (Sorry muffin man scooter) I decided to scrap the posts with the exception of the first one. I'm still in the groove to blog so I might as well just go from here.
So, please stick around, read my mental leavings and enjoy. At least I hope you enjoy.
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